Anyone asking for your password or secure access code is a SCAM. Do not give it out. TFB does not EVER ask for this.
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Secured Credit Cards FAQs
You must be at least 18 years of age to apply for a credit card.
You will receive your card 7 to 10 business days after you are approved.
The minimum payment is the lowest amount of money that you’re required to pay on your credit card statement each month. It is 3% of the total balance of your card, with a minimum of $20.00. It’s important to make on-time payments, even if it is a minimum payment, to maintain a higher rate of repayment and to build your credit score.
We offer two ways to make your credit card payment: via in the Texas First Bank mobile app and in person at a TFB banking center.
At your credit card’s expiration date, we will review your account, your relationship with us, your overall credit history, as well as other credit cards and loans. If all is in good standing, you may qualify to have your security deposit returned. Not all customers will qualify.